Powerhouse 2005 was incredible! Seeing 700 people praising God for an hour straight Saturday night, at the top of their lungs, was simply awesome. God was "awesome in that place" as the song says. Chris led us in the song called "This Is How We Overcome" where the chorus celebrates the fact that God has TURNED our mourning into dancing...and we actually turned in the pews! To me, it was worship "in spirit and in truth". We had our minds fully engaged, and our spirits as well. It brought to mind another key text on worship..."You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul & strength." We are called to pour out our love to God with our entire being, and that song gives us permission to do it. Thanks to God who worked through Chris & Jessica and our wonderful congregation to bring about a terrific youth event, that adults enjoyed as well.
Baby Sanderson is doing flips & kicking like crazy. Heartbeat is strong, and Jaime is doing well. Saw the doc today, we're 35 weeks along. As we were checking out, the receptionist said to me, referring to Jaime, "she's so cute!" I proudly said, "Thank you" as if I were her father. I quickly corrected myself..."It's not like I'm her father, I'm just proud to have a cute wife!" The receptionist laughed & agreed. Tonight's goal: pack the infamous "we're going to the hospital" suitcase!
After several weeks of drought in late summer/early fall, we've had some nice rain showers. Our Fall has turned absolutely gorgeous! This pic doesn't do it justice, but let's just say, Jaime has some raking to do. Kidding! I've asked her to supervise safely from the couch where she'll have a perfect view of me raking & bagging all of these beautiful leaves.
next yr guess who'll be bumping into the leaves as you rake.
Yeah, I love all the pretty leaves -- until they hit the ground and have to be raked!!
Murray- your stories always make me laugh. I love how you love Jaime and everytime I read about I thank the Lord again for His faithfulness. You all bring so much joy to me!
The house looks great. I really enjoyed worship the Sunday following Powerhouse. There was so much more energy than usual. I am glad everything is going good. I am looking forward to hanging out this weekend.
Sounds like a great worship time! We were so excited to see your house and say, "hey we've been there!" We miss you guys and pray the Lord's richest blessings for you. We got Baby Sanderson's present today...we'll be getting it in the mail soon...fun!! (though you never know how long things take to get to the States from Benin, West Africa!)
-Randy & Kelly
Hey Murray and Jaime! Hope all is well. I told Jaime I'd let her know when we started our blog and I can't find your e-mail. It's
That should get you there. Love you!!!
I bet the babe will be born on December 12th, before 11:00pm. Cause that's my birthday! I think it will be Faith, and i have no idea the weight. I love and miss you guys!!!
Luv, Your Chiquita Banana
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