I saw this on Amanda, Jennie and Kelli's blogs. Thought it looked fun. Not sure how accurate I think it is. Most say equally like both (or close to it). I'd be interested to see some of my friends' meters who have kids that definitely favor one parent over the other (CNS, BT, Holly O., Laura S., Ramona, Chelsea, Becky B.). I'll be checking your blogs to see if you tried this!!
The Magnificat
2 years ago
I always thought (and still do) that Faith looks a lot like Murray, and Eli and Faith look very much alike, however, Eli has Jaime's coloring. So, I guess they are a good blend of both of you! :)
I'm not convinced that this meter thing works :) I think Eli looks more like Jaime...and I'm not sure about Faithy. I can never get past looking at her red curls. They are just so cute!
Hey, Jaime and Murray,
I did the meter thing...it was funny! Conner looks equally like Chris and Cam and equally like me and Don....Chris looks more like Don by 3%, but just for fun, I put Cam on the meter with me and Don, and she looks more like Don by 4%. I did it, because people tell me she looks like me! That was fun! I'm going to do the rest of our family, too. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for, don't we?
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