We just got back from another trip to Texas. I went on an AMAZING Scrapbooking/Craft Retreat with my SIL and some other dear friends from PRCC. It was the PERFECT vacation for me. Murray took the kids to visit his family during my 4 day, 3 night retreat. We drove there and back again...not sure we will be doing that again anytime soon. Eli had a really hard time this trip. Needless to say, this was our favorite, albeit rare, scene during our 2000 mile journey..
More later, I'm too tired to say much else right now!!!
The Magnificat
2 years ago
so glad you made it home safely! I really enjoyed sitting across from you at the retreat.....and my rotary cutter and mat were still in good enough shape to use when I unearthed them! I remember now why I didn't do that before - I was pinking all the edges to keep them from raveling - after they were washed! Much easier not to do that - and with generous seams, I think they'll still be ok. Just cut 1 3/4 yds in abvout 15 minutes!! Thank you thank you thank you for revolutionizing my burp cloth making!!!!
I would love the site you mentioned with emroidery how-tos.....
Jaime -
I am so sad that I had to miss the retreat and a chance to see you, but I'm so glad you went and had a great time!!! I hope you'll make it an annual event :)
4 days of crafting . . . pardon me while I sit here and be jealous!! :)
I'm so glad you got to do that, though -- I can imagine how refreshing that would be!!
What a sweet picture of the kids in the car, too. Sorry that Eli is not enjoying traveling so much -- guess that means that a trip this way isn't likely to happen soon, hm? :(
Katherine--don't rule out Southwest!! I'm still working on it! It may just be me and the kids. We miss all you WaMaVas!! And I can't wait to meet Grant in person!!
Jenni--I emailed you the website. Hope you enjoy it! I had a blast too!! So glad the rotary is working out for you!
Jenny C.--I would love for this to be an annual trip too! Let's hope Murray does too :)
Send me your address again one more time pretty please and I will send you the book you requested!
Love you!! Thank you for your encouraging words once again!!!
Hey, Jaime,
I'm glad you're home safely, too. You took on a lot taking that trip with your little ones! We did the trip from DC to Texas when our oldest was 5 and our second son was 1. We made it in about 4 days I think. I'm sure you made some good memories...nothing like having your whole family together for all that time! It was nice of Murray to give you some time off, too. I'm going to post about Don's and my few days away...it was fun...and a little bit of an adventure. Welcome back.
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