Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Idol Chatter

So who are your faves this year?????


Ramona said...

Brooke, Carly, the David's, Jason, and Michael are my faves, but not sure in what order. I miss you guys!

Ramona said...

who do you like :)?

jaime s said...

Thank, Ramona! I was beginning to wonder if there were any AI fans left. The show keeps reporting
30+ million voters each week...apparently none of them read this blog....

My faves are:
David Cooke
Brooke White

I like the way they change the songs and "make it their own". It shows a lot of talent (imo).

So glad Danny is gone! He was on my last nerve from the beginning!

kristen g. said...

I'm watching, although on tivo so I'm a week behind and not actually voting.
David Cooke is my #1, then David A. after that, although he might just be "too" adorable for mainstream.
Brooke is the only girl that I really enjoy. The rest are just okay.
I agree w/ your reasoning Jaime, I thought that being original was the whole point of the show! Some of the contestants seem to think it's a karaoke contest, argh!

Ramona said...

Oops, I realized tonight while watching American Idol that thre are (at least :)) 3 David's. I didn't mean to have David H. on my list. My kids are FINALLY all asleep and I'm going up to watch the end now :). I would be so lost if it weren't for TiVo :).

jaime s said...

I haven't watched tonight's yet either. We LOVE having "tivo" (or dvr in our case). Last year we would race home from church on Wed. just to see the very end.