Friday, December 01, 2006

Curly head....

Faith's hair is beginning to have a mind of it's own. These aren't the best pics of "her" but the shots of her hair make me chuckle! Her curls are coming in at full force and the thickeness of her hair keeps coming in as well. We get SO MANY comments on her hair. At first it was because of the color (I didn't realize how much attention redheads get). Then, her sweet little curls started forming. Now it's more like "Wow, she sure has A LOT of hair." One lady stopped us at Costco and said, "Look at her hair. It's so perfect. It looks like a toupee." Murray and I weren't sure how to take that. It doesn't seem like a compliment when someone compares your hair to a toupee but she seemed so genuine and sweet about it. And then another lady, said "Wow, look at all her hair, looks like it's time to get her hair cut!" Uhhh....not really long enough to cut, it's just very full and fluffy!!

At what age is it appropriate to start using styling products? Water isn't cutting it these days. Once her hair drys, the poof is back and it's just so irresistible....albeit, ridiculous looking at times!

O'well. She's a cutie either way.


Anonymous said...

I think the appropriate age for styling products is whenever you need them! ;)
I have to say, though -- there IS just somethiung about her hair. I LOVE her hair!

Kelli said...

she looks adorable! rachel's hair is finally starting to thicken a bit, but i don't think we will be seeing any curls. i love faith's curls and hopefully she will too! :) i'm sure the curly red hair goes along with her spunky personality. :) we miss ya!

Candice said...

Her hair is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love her hair and had curling to when I was baby.

Monica said...

Love that you have a red head. What out they can be crazy. I miss my red hair. To bad miss clairol messed it up. Now I just have fake red hair. I think Faith is beautiful and she is going to grow up to be a beautiful red head.

Pearson Family said...

Her hair is BEAUTIFUL! Don't cut it...

Anonymous said...

Hair bows, hair bows, hair bows! When Lindsey was that age with wild hair, gianormous hair bows were in style. We had them in every color. Tim started calling her bow head. I didn't care, anyway you looked at it, she was adorable! Give them a try, Faith will be gorgeous!

angie c said...

It is just beautiful. She is the cutest thing!!!

Laura Scott said...

I think Faith's hair is precious just the way it is....don't cut it yet! I think the main thing to ask is one that comes from a recent issue I have dealt with-Does it smell good???

Anonymous said...

i'm so envious. red hair, and curls. just what i always wanted. so envious!!