Sunday, December 14, 2008

18 months!

It is hard to believe that Eli is now 18 months old!! This boy has stolen our hearts and has recently filled our home with MUCH LAUGHTER..... click on this super short video for a sampling!

It is hard for me to put into words what this little boy means to me (his mommy) and the rest of our family. I haven't been great at keeping track of all the specific accomplishments that he has made. But here are a few things I would love to share about our Bubby...

1) He LOVES to get dirty! He can be outside playing less than 5 minutes and will be covered with dirt. He takes his granola bar and crumbles it all up so that he can get crumbs and the chocolate pieces EVERYWHERE!!

2) He LOVES to climb. I think he got this from my mom (his NayNay as she was a big climber too). He will climb on everything. He can Houdini himself out of any booster seat we've tried to put him in and climb on top of the table in record time.

3) He LOVES to move. Strapping him down in any form frustrates him. Therefore, car rides aren't very pleasant for our family. He also gives us an additional workout whenever it's time to tie his shoes! Whew!! I'm sweating just thinking about it!

4) He LOVES his sister. Watching this friendship unfold has been such a blessing to me. Faith and Eli both attend MDO 2 days a week. Both their teachers comment on how sweet their friendship is and how they find each other when their classes have play time together. I LOVE that!

5) His language is exploding and it is so fun (especially for me) to watch him grow in this area. He knows the signs for: more, all done, drink (my fave), sorry, please, thank you
He can say the following words: shirt (his new fave), whoa, sis (for Faith), Daddy, Mama, nana (banana), Nana, dis, yea!, and tons of others, I just can't think of them now.

6) He loves animals (especially dogs). He can make the sounds for: cow, sheep, cat, tiger, lion (so cute), and elephant (our absolute fave!)

There's tons more to say about this precious boy but hopefully this little taste of Eli has put a smile on your face!

Eli, we love you so so so so so so so much!!!!


jennyc said...

That is the most precious laugh ever! Eli sounds a lot like Colton in the active department! He keeps me busy but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for sharing about your little man - He is A-dorable! Love this age.

Katherine said...

I couldn't get the video to work the other day, I'm so glad it's working now -- how precious! :)
Nelson keeps asking to watch it over and over!

jaime s said...

I must admit, I am watching it over and over too! I love having Eli on my lap and Faith next to me when I do. He still laughs and he looks at Faith the whole time smiling like crazy!! Love it!

Murray Sanderson said...

Little Eli has definitely moved from baby to little boy, and I am loving the bonding that's happening between us. He's so different from Faith, and yet still so precious.
Thanks for the video honey!

kristen g. said...

He is adorable, I love that laugh! That is so sweet how your kids find each other at their mdo program. Sibling friendship is so special!

kristen g.

Alyssa said...

Hey Jamie! It is so good to connect with you again! Your family is so precious! It sounds like you guys are doing well :)

Thank you for your kind words about my Prentice blog. I am so glad that it has touched so many people...I know that I will never forget that conversation with sweet Lauren and I am glad that it has brought comfort to others as well. You are welcome to share my blog with Kimberley- I actually know her.. I grew up in Lubbock with Doug's family and then my little sister babysat for them in Abilene :) I have been encouraged to mail a copy of it to Barbara...and I plan to do that as well. What a wonderful family they are! I hope you are enjoying Otter Creek...was that Murray that led the singing at the funeral?

PS I LOVE Mariah's All I want for Christmas! The girls and I dance and dance whenever it comes on! Merry Christmas!!!!

The Benson Bunch said...

Eli has such a great big smile - just like you Jaime! My kids loved watching it too..they kept having me reply it.

And, yes, I have tried is SO much fun, isn't it? I want to learn how to teach it. You'd think with me teaching aerobics so long I'd be good at but I can't wiggle my hips as good as they do! :)

I hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas! Faith is growing up so much too...both of your kids look so sweet and precious.